
Friends Against Scams

Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team initiative launched in 2016 in the United Kingdom. The organization engages individuals, communities, and organizations to take a stand against scams and protect themselves and others from falling victim to fraudulent activities.

Mission: The mission of Friends Against Scams is to create a network of scam-aware individuals who can confidently identify and report scams, while actively spreading awareness within their communities. By working together, Friends Against Scams strives to build a strong defense against scams and reduce the harm inflicted by fraudsters.

Initiatives and Programs:

  1. Scam Awareness Sessions: Friends Against Scams conducts informative and interactive sessions to raise awareness about different types of scams. These sessions equip participants with knowledge and tools to identify and avoid scams, empowering them to protect themselves and others.
  2. Scam Champions: Friends Against Scams encourages individuals to become “Scam Champions” within their communities. These champions act as local ambassadors, sharing information, hosting awareness events, and offering support to those targeted by scams.
  3. Online Training: Friends Against Scams provides free online training courses that educate participants about various scam types, tactics, and techniques used by fraudsters. This training enhances individuals’ ability to detect and prevent scams, fostering a community of vigilant individuals.
  4. Partnerships and Collaborations: Friends Against Scams collaborates with various organizations, including businesses, community groups, and local authorities, to reach wider audiences and expand the reach of their initiatives. These partnerships strengthen the collective effort to combat scams.
  5. Reporting Scams: Friends Against Scams encourages individuals to report scams to relevant authorities, such as Action Fraud in the UK. By reporting scams, victims can receive support, and the data collected helps in tracking trends, identifying new scams, and taking legal action against fraudsters.

Impact and Achievements: Friends Against Scams has made significant progress in raising awareness and preventing scams. With thousands of individuals trained as Scam Champions, the initiative has reached numerous communities, equipping them with knowledge to recognize and avoid scams. By encouraging reporting, Friends Against Scams helps in the identification and dismantling of scam networks, protecting potential victims.

Website and LinkedIn Presence: To learn more about Friends Against Scams and their initiatives, please visit their official website: Friends Against Scams Website

Stay connected with Friends Against Scams on LinkedIn for updates, success stories, and scam prevention tips: Friends Against Scams LinkedIn Page

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